How Endodontic Retreatment is Beneficial in Fixing Dental Issues

How Endodontic Retreatment is Beneficial in Fixing Dental Issues

Mar 01, 2022

When you expose a tooth to harmful bacteria, its inner chambers and canals can be infected. Dental trauma, poor dental hygiene, and high consumption of acidic and sugary foods are vital factors to blame for tooth decay. When your tooth is infected, your dentist might recommend endodontic treatments such as root canals to treat the tooth. The root canal procedure involves drilling through the infected tooth and removing the infected tissues.

Next, the endodontist cleans and disinfects the tooth. Because the procedure weakens a tooth, the endodontist will fill the teeth and place a dental crown for added protection and strength. Root canal treatments are successful and can last for a lifetime with proper dental care and habits.

Though rare, a treated tooth may fail to heal correctly or become diseased again after a few months or years. You may still have a chance to save it by getting a retreatment procedure. If a severely decayed tooth is beyond saving, tooth extraction may be the best remedy. Contact us for endodontic dentistry at 08817.

What Is Endodontic Retreatment, and Why Will I Need One?

Endodontic retreatment is a second attempt to save a tooth that doesn’t heal properly after the first endodontic treatment. If not treated, decay may end up infecting the tooth’s roots, leading to loose teeth, tooth loss, gum infection, and bone damage. If the tooth still has enough structure, the endodontist can retreat to resolve these problems.

A treated tooth might need retreatment due to a variety of reasons, including:

  • Failure to clean the canal effectively: After removing the decayed and infected tissues in the tooth’s pulp, the tooth is cleaned and disinfected to prevent re-infection. In complex cases, especially when dealing with the back teeth, thorough cleaning can be difficult. The slightest decay will likely spread further and cause more damage.
  • New decay: Sometimes, a tooth doesn’t require a crown after root canal treatment. In such a case, bacteria can reenter the tooth, causing further infection. Bacteria can reenter the tooth with an extended delay between treating a tooth and crown placement, causing re-infection.
  • Dental injury: Sometimes, a crown can accidentally develop cracks, breaks, or chips. This damage can allow bacteria to reenter the tooth and cause more decay.
  • Coronal seal breakdown: After the root canal, the endodontist creates a seal to protect the coronal (area above the gum line). If this seal is compromised, bacteria and contaminants can reenter the tooth infecting the tooth.

Signs of Root Canal Failure

A failed root canal procedure can show symptoms or not. That’s why it’s essential to schedule regular dental exams and cleanings so that your dentist can check the restorations and provide the necessary repair. Common signs to watch out for that signals root canal failure include:

  • Swelling
  • Pain and sensitivity
  • Discharge
  • Tooth discoloration
  • Sinus problems
  • Irregularities in x-rays images
  • Abscesses
  • Bleeding

Is A Retreat Much Different Than The Original Root Canal?

Since technology is ever-evolving, the techniques and procedures used for retreatment can vary. Your endodontist will discuss your treatment options before performing the procedure. The endodontist will reopen the tooth during the retreatment by disassembling the crown and filling it to access the canals.

Next, they will clean the canals and examine them for additional treatments requirements. If the canals are blocked, the endodontist can perform endodontic surgery. After cleaning the canals, they fill the tooth with a temporary filling. You’ll return for another appointment to have a new filling and crown placement.

How Endodontic Retreatment Is Beneficial

A failed or untreated root canal harbors dangerous infections that can cause serious complications. The infection can spread to the tooth’s roots and cause tooth loss. It can also spread to the surrounding teeth, gums, and jawbone. It’s also worth noting that oral infections can affect your overall wellness. They can worsen and increase the risk of developing diabetes, autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and more.

It’s essential to seek treatment when you notice any symptoms or your dentist recommends it. If you don’t wish to go through the retreatment procedure, tooth extraction is your only option. Your endodontist might also recommend tooth extraction if your case is complex. Afterward, you can replace the tooth with implants, bridges, and dentures.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Contact KK Dental Edison to speak with our dentist in NJ for more information about endodontic retreatment near you.

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