With tooth replacement procedures, there are different options to select, based on your preferences and the number of teeth you need to be restored. When you have more than one tooth missing, you need a solution that can cater to all your lost teeth. With dentures, you can get all your teeth restored, in the least invasive way possible.
Dentures were traditionally used to restore the teeth of elderly people who got toothless due to aging. However, modern dentistry has ensured that there is versatility in the types of dentures available so that there is something for every patient.
They are oral appliances that feature different artificial teeth attached to a gum-like base, used in dentistry for tooth replacement. Dentures are among the oldest types of oral appliances used in dentistry. Today, they have been modernized so much so that it would be hard for you to tell them apart from natural teeth.
Dentures come in two main types, that is partial and full dentures. Full dentures feature all 32 teeth of a human mouth so that they are fit for treating toothless patients. They are the most common types of dentures. However, more people are learning about partial dentures and their importance. They feature a few replacement teeth, depending on which natural teeth you have lost. Whether for the upper or lower jaw, front or back teeth, partial dentures are available for all the needs patients may have. Besides, you can ask your dentist for same-day service for denture installation, so that you don’t have any downtime after losing your teeth.
These oral appliances are not like others in restorative dentistry. Once you get dentures, a lot changes in your oral cavity, including the following:
Replacing teeth has a lot to do with sustaining the functionality of your mouth, as well as maintaining excellent oral health. Therefore, when dentures are installed, you must keep in touch with your dentist in North Brunswick, NJ to gather as much as you can about using the dentures and maintaining them in the long haul.
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